Grappling Hook Version 1.06 is available, both demo and full-version.
When you are an owner of the full version, you can download the new version here.
Your savegames will be not affected by an update.
Changes Since Version 1.05:
- Eight new levels! These levels are especially for players, who already played through the other 22 and are looking for new challenges. Some of the new levels are non-linear, so you will be free to decide, what to do next. The new levels also feature puzzles, where you have to use the Grappling Hook in entirely new ways. Of course, there are also challenges for every new level.
- The level editor is now fully functional and included in the full version of the game. It is now possible for everyone to include levels in the game, so they are selectable in the menu. A tutorial how to create new levels and how to add them to the game will be released within this week.
- The developer-mode can be enable in the game options. There will be also a hint in the HUD, when it is enabled.
- The values of the challenges for every level are now visible in the level selection screen.
- The background-size of all on-screen-messages fits now to the amount of text.
- You can switch now between hardware or software sound, when you experience any problems with one of them on your machine.
- You can choose now, if you want to visit the games website, when quitting the demo.
- Fixed a bug, that prevented the game running on 64 bit machines.
- Fixed a bug with e-mail-addresses that contained a “+”.